This application consists in controlling the high level state duration of a PWM signal through GPRS using a mobile phone. A java application that implements a simple GUI is used to realise this. The user can control the high level state duration through 3 methods. The third method, which consists in using the accelerometer sensor is presented in a video
The application which runs on the modem firstly subscribes to the IRQ service then starts the TCP server.

J2ME application downloadable application :
Very nice, I could use this!
interesant ar fi sa mentionezi si ce aplicatii in lumea reala ar putea folosi proiectele tale, sa prezinte un suport la ceva ce se doreste in a dezvolta pe viitor.
si chiar ce limite hardware cat si software ai intalnit si posibile remedieri pe viitor.
Bafta multa.
Man are you mocking us. You are doing contraband from Mars.....? And you are not paying your taxes??
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